
First Televised Debate Set
2010/10/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



In political news,

Finally, the much discussed debate between candidates of the year-end elections has become more of a certainty, for Xin Bei City at least. A televised debate between KMT's Eric Chu and DPP's Tsai Ing-wen has been officially scheduled on the 15th of November, a date both candidates agree on.

It is a month before the year-end special municipality elections with both the xinbei city candidates Tsai Ying Wen and Eric chu visiting traditional markets in the morning of the 21st to garner votes for themselves from housewives and merchants.

Both sides have also agreed to most of the details of Xinbei city candidate TV debate.

According to the Xinbei election committee, which currently is planning to hold the debate in the evening of November 15th, both Chu and Tsai are allowed 10 minutes for campaigning statement before 4 independent people asking questions, each would then have 4 minutes to answer with the debate wrapping up with 14 minutes of concluding statement of 7 minutes each.

The committee said that the 4 asking questions are to be picked from a list of professors at Xinbei citys 6 colleges and those supervising members of the election committee.

All 4 will be kept anonymous and kept from knowing the questions to be asked until the start of the debate in order to keep it fair.

However, neither sides have agreed on how to select the four, though both Chu and Tsai are positive about the debate.

The televised event will not see candidates debating each other on their statements, however, each side can come up with questions during the answering period in order to let the public understand what the candidates are bringing to the table.

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關鍵字political discussed debate candidates year-end elections XIN BEI City KMT ERIC Chu DPP Tsai Ing-wen
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