
Artificial Reproduction Subsidy
2010/10/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In order to increase the birth rate in Taiwan, the Ministry of the Interior has proposed a draft to provide subsidies for those who have problems given birth naturally. However, the plan has stirred up intense debate among medical experts, who said that specific measures are needed to prevent people from abusing the resource.

Due to a late marriage, 40-year-old Mrs. Chou has had trouble achieving a successful pregnancy.

She is facing immense pressure as she has tried seven or eight in vitro fertilization methods, spending approximately NT$1 million, but to no avail.

Like Mrs. Chou, many other couples struggle to have children.

According to statistics, Taiwan annually sees approximately 7,000 sterile couples, meaning on average, out seven couples, one is unable to naturally reproduce.

Couples opting for in vitro fertilization must spend over NT$100 thousand for each attempt, a huge financial burden for couples.

In order to raise birth rates, the Ministry of Interior has pushed out a subsidy draft for sterility therapy treatments.

However, medical experts believe that the government should first clarify on whether sterility counts as a disease that requires treatment.

Scholars, meanwhile, are proposing that the government lay down guidelines and criteria for candidates that are eligible for the subsidy program, warning that unselective subsidizing may result in the misuse of health insurance.

While debates are still being held over sterility treatment subsidies, medical experts and scholars have posed their doubts, hoping the government will implement a more exhaustive set of supportive measures.

Otherwise, they fear, the program will only increase birth rates without improving the life quality of Taiwanese citizens.

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關鍵字Artificial Reproduction Subsidy birth rate The Ministry of The Interior provide Subsidies
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