
Subsidy for Home Buyers
2010/10/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Ministry of the Interior has launched a program yesterday to subsidize the house loans to help young individuals to purchase their first residence. This new measure is expected to benefit more than 15,000 couples.

Owing to the governments loan offer, Mr. Zhang, who has been married for nearly two years, can finally afford to put a roof over his wife and child.

Similarly, recently betrothed Mr. Chen hitched on a second wave of the governments home settlement program for young adults and bought a house in August.

To encourage more young adults to marry and reproduce, the Ministry of the Interior is, for the second year in a row, promoting a home settlement program for young adults.

According to statistics from the Construction and Planning Agency, from March 5 of this year to April 16, over 6 thousand households were approved for rent subsidy.

Another 12,000 received housing loans at zero percent interest.

Because the number of applicants exceeded expectations, the Ministry decided to open the program up to a second wave of applicants.

The second opening will go from October 1 to November 1, and the program will target 20 to 40 year olds of fewer than 2 years of marriage or people under 20 who have completed their education and do not yet have their own home.

The subsidy will include a NT$2 million housing loan at zero percent interest like last year.

In addition, those who arent able to afford a house can apply for rent subsidy, which offers up to a maximum of $3,600.

The subsidies will last for a maximum of two years.

Anyone fitting the criteria is encouraged to apply at the Construction and Planning Agencys web page.

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關鍵字HOME buyer Subsidy Ministry of The Interior Launched A program subsidize house loans Help young individuals construction and Planning Agencys
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