
Educational Comics
2010/10/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Comic books can be more educational than you think. A Taiwanese comic artist made brilliant use of this popular art form to introduce complex scientific concepts in his first book, which recently won a subsidy from the government for its originality.

This unmanned aircraft is ready for takeoff, as this attractive young girl finds a simple way to explain the construction of this unmanned aircraft.

This is the creation of someone using the name Magana who is an aerospace graduate who has actual experience in the production of unmanned aircraft and laboratory experience.

This person also has the creativity to explain difficult scientific technology in these comics. It is this person's first comic, "The production of my first aircraft," which attracted a lot of classmates from the department.

This person who likes to watch cartoons found a way to convey complex formulas in a funny way.

He was also the first to receive a Government Information Office comic project grants.

Magana hopes that that Taiwan doesn't lose its comic skill to major powers such as Japan and South Korea.

Another cartoonist, used the experience of renting an apartment to create "Building No 1 Friends" which won the Golden Comic Award.

This comic, written by Ikaridon, is about a young female student who rents an apartment, and is very close to real life allowing it to resonate with comic fans.

Ikaridon says distribution is a problem and earning money is difficult as the comic artist has to provide all the support and passion says this comic artist.

Comic books can be informative in simple terms and Taiwan has many original cartoonists.

It is hoped that both the government and the general public can come together to support this creative Taiwan industry.

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關鍵字educational Comics Comic books Comic artist JAPAN South Korea
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