
Eviornmentally Friendly Fuel
2010/10/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Oil price has always been a big concern for car owners.

Even some diesel-fueled garbage trucks operated by small townships are coming under scrutiny for their high fuel costs. With the Taitung County's Chenggung Township cleaning team spending 800,000 NT dollars in fuel annually, the local governments are now searching for cost effective and environmentally friendly fuel alternatives.

Taitung County's Chenggung Township has six garbage trucks which go out everyday to collect garbage. However, the cost of fuel is quite alarming, costing 800,000 NT$ a year.

The local government's budget is quite limited, but with budget cuts and high oil prices means that they are trying to find alternative fuels to save money.

They are now contemplating technology to purify diesel fuel to make it more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.

This has attracted lots of interest from Chenggung Township who used 2 garbage trucks to conduct a trial using one liter of diesel fuel.

The test was carried out on a 300 meter track with one garbage truck operating on typical diesel going for 6 kms and the other with purified fuel continuing to operate. These test results have convinced Chenggung Township to use this alternative fuel which will actually help them save money.

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關鍵字Eviornmentally friendly fuel oil PRICE car owners save money
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