
Green Power Inventions
2010/10/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Now, we're going to take you to see more inventions at the Taipei International Invention Show and Technomart. With a focus on green power, these developments are not only environmentally friendly, but they can also lessen your burden.

It is always an awkward situation, when you suddenly need your business card, which seems to vanish just for the moment you want it.

With this friendship maker, you can solve this problem with ease. Exchanging information would be simple and no situation would make you uncomfortable, because this little box is doing the selection for you.

Once it has done the match, a shining light will illuminate. Its shape is quite fashion and has even different colors for customers to choose.

The capsule you see here is more intelligent than you think. Its job is to remind people taking medicines at particular time by making music and lights in chorus. The portions are even prepared already inside, which drops out automatically. This capsule is not only cute but also helpful to all people who need its function.

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關鍵字invention Taipei International invention Show and Technomart green Power environmentally friendly
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