
Outdoor Fans for Twn Team
2010/10/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



After three straight victories at the Intercontinental Cup, the Taiwan team was edged by Cuba 2-0 in a close game on Tuesday. But the loss will not prevent Taiwan from advancing to the next round. And some passionate fans in Tainan even formed a special club to cheer for the home team out in the streets.

The fourth match for the Chinese Taipei team in the Intercontinental Cup Baseball Championship caused quite a commotion in the streets of Tainan as the Lai Ching-De baseball fan club set up a huge outdoor screen for this event.

Even the leader of this group was on the scene cheering, and joining the crowd in shouting slogans to help encourage the Chinese Taipei team.

The broadcast on this side of the road attracted nearly 300 fans along with many students.

They sat and ate and watched the game along with people riding scooters stopping on the road and looking up at the big screen.

This match featured the Chinese Taipei team against the powerful Cubans.

They were evenly matched until the sixth inning when Cuba took the lead and they would hold on to win the game by a score of 2 to 0.

The Chinese Taipei players weren't despondent after the loss as there are still games to play to get back to victorious form.

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關鍵字Outdoor fans for Twn team Intercontinental Cup Cuba TAIWAN team Lai Ching-De
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