
Pumpkin Hot Pots
2010/10/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The weather is now cooler, so it's the season for hot pots again. And today we're going to introduce you to a special one that features 40 kinds of Chinese herbs and only costs 99 NT.

This pot contains a boiling soup with steam coming off of it and a smell that is quite fragrant.

It is paried with 10 types of fresh ingredients and the broth includes wolfberry, angelica and a total of 40 kinds of Chinese herbs.

This overflowing hot pot costs just 99 NT$, making it quite a bargain as this man enjoys bite after bite.

This restaurant also has another signature dish which is pumpkin hot pot with the pumpkin paste inside making it even more flavorful and delicious.

This has proven very popular with female friends and it can be paired with streaky New Zealand beef.

If you are worried about getting enough to eat, you can add a little more money and eat more.

For example, this plate of fresh meat costs just an additional 50 NT$ making it a great bargain as you don't need to spend a lot to get this great taste.

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關鍵字Pumpkin hot Pots Chinese HERBS NEW Zealand beef signature dish
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