
Baby with Kidney Stone
2010/11/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:彰化縣報導



A baby in Changhua experienced urinary tract infection caused by stones in his kidney and urinary tract. Later, doctors found that the infection was a result of over-consumption of calcium. Experts are suggeting parents to

avoid providing excessive nutritional supplement to children to prevent complications.

An 11-month-old baby in Changhua named Chen Chen had developed a prolonged fever and four days later, skin rashes appeared all over his body.

The doctor told Chen Chen's mother that her son had a urinary tract infection caused by the stones in his kidney and urinary tract.

But why would a baby get kidney stones?

After looking into the baby's diets, the doctor found that the main cause was the over-consumption of calcium.

Chen Chen's mother fed him 150ml of milk for six times a day and the calcium intake was around 500mg, which was quite sufficient for an infant like Chen Chen.

But his grandmother, in order to ensure that her grandson got enough nutrition, had been putting calcium powder in his milk and feeding him bone soup three times a day, adding extra 500mg of calcium intake for him.

Stones started to form in his body because his urine was too saturated with calcium.

The doctor said that infant formulas usually contain Vitamin D3, which is crucial to the health of bones and teeth.

However, excessive intake of calcium may increase the potential for toxic effects on human body and over-consumption of nutritional supplements to help build up a healthy body may actually do the opposite.

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關鍵字baby with kidney Stone urinary tract nutritional prevent complications
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