
Gathering Day for Test Tube Babies
2010/11/09 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's a gathering event for all the test tube babies across the island. The assisted reproductive technology has proven to be more effective than ever. The first test tube baby in Taiwan was born 25 years ago at the Taipei Veteran General Hospital, and as of now, 3,267 babies have been conceived with the help of this technology. Let's take you to witness the day that's truly meaningful for those who share the same kind of journey to have kids of their own.

He is the first test-tube baby in Taiwan and now, he is 25 years old and studying for his doctoral degree at the moment.

Impressed by this technology, he is also studying in the realm of life sciences.

Also, there is Wang Meiling and her American husband who she's married to for 17 years have been trying to conceive.

After some 30 tries, finally, she gave birth to a daughter in September 2002 and then a triplet in December 2003.

Then in 2006, she gave birth to female twins.

Even though having six children is chaotic, they are loving every moment of it.

However, due to the fact of stressful life-style, more and more couples are experiencing infertility.

According to Taipei Veteran General, one out of 6 couples experiences infertility problems.

Therefore, gynecologist, Chang Shenping, suggests that for those who wants to conceive, a visit to the doctors as soon as they've decided in order to get a better result.

However, this isn't a method that everyone can afford.

Since there is no coverage in the national medical insurance, a session would be at a starting rate of NT$120,000.

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關鍵字gathering DAY for Test tube babies test-tube baby Taipei Veteran general hospital
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