
Time for a Shopping Spree
2010/11/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It is indeed the best time of the year for the ladies. The annual sale is going on, which means that prices are slashed, and discount items are everywhere in department stores across the island. Now, we're getting right in the middle of the action, to remind you it's time for a shopping spree.

As soon as the doors of the department store open, shoppers push and shove their way inside.

On the first day of this Taipei department store's annual sale, consumers began lining up at 6 a.m.

A number of cosmetics retailers were offering a limited number of products at special prices, and this woman took the first MRT train of the day with her daughter and granddaughter to the store to line up.

Many women also sent their boyfriends and husbands to the store to line up for them.

This make-up set and cosmetics bag normally has a price tag of more than 7,000 NT, but is now available for 3,200 NT.

The price of this facial cleansing set, meanwhile, has been slashed from 8,529 NT to 3,990 NT. With such low prices, it is no surprise that shoppers are willing to wait in line for hours.

One Taipei department store is offering 600 NT discounts for every 6,000 NT spent, while department stores in Tianmu and Kaohsiung are offering 500 NT discounts for every 5,000 NT spent.

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關鍵字TIME for A Shopping Spree Taipei department store's annual sale SOGO MRT
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