
A Race for Job
2010/11/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:金門縣報導



So what does it take to get a job at the Kinmen Kaoliang liquor company?

Apparently you have to be athletic and physically fit.

Now, let's take a look at this fierce competition, with 800 job seekers literally racing for the 27 openings as brewing technicians.

The event is not a sporting competition but rather a physical challenge to qualify for Kinmen liquor company new hires to work at its production line.

The test took place in the morning at the County stadium and 796 people signed up.

They were divided into 16 teams, with each team being 15 people to race 3,000 meters.

Some young female applicants also showed up for the test.

At the end of the race, some fainted, vomited, hurt their joints.

To overthrow the rumor that there were some reserved spots for the new hires, the Kinmen liquor company hired Chinese Taipei track and field association judges to be the referee and took pictures at the finish line.

Though the starting salary is NT$25,000, but with the discount on liquors and the maximum year-end bonus being 4.6 months, many people still are interested in the job that is with only less than 4% acceptance rate.

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關鍵字job for race A Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor company job seekers
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