
Junior Colleges Rise in Popularity
2010/08/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Five-year junior college programs, once considered a lesser choice for junior high graduates, have become increasingly popular in recent years, recruiting students well qualified for top high schools. So what are the reasons behind their change of fortune? Our next story offers an explanation.

Ms. Mao speaks fluent Japanese and is with good enough of grades to attend star high school, however, she opt for 5 year junior college to study Japanese instead while she is also the Japanese volunteer in school during summer, the reason was that the campus offers a much well-rounded study environment than high school.

It is a recent trend for more students to choose 5-year junior colleges like Mao.

According to the Ministry of Education, starting 2008, there were an increase of 2,000 people signing up for Junior College every year, even with the recent alternative admission to high schools through academic performance and recommendation. The admission matching count went from 300 vacant spots to this year with only 57 empty spots with some schools even increased its admission numbers this year.

Many students feel that, there are too many schools, junior colleges offer education and career skill training for a much easier career search after graduation and more channels to continue with higher education.

Many technical schools in past have been aggressively trying to upgrade its status to technical junior college or university, however, as more students are look ahead for ease of job search, the new trend may have these school reconsider otherwise.

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