
Gnp Expected to Break
2010/11/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In the latest estimation issued by the government, Taiwan's Gross National Product per capita is expected to exceed 20,000 US dollars next year for the first time in history. But many still think the economy isn't as robust as it statistically appears.

Before the doors of the department store even opened on their anniversary sale, throngs of people have been lined up outside.

During such an opportunity, shoppers aren't hesitating about swiping their cards.

But has the economy truly recovered?

From the beginning of the year, the stock market has dropped from 8200 points in January to barely over 7000 points in March and April.

In October, it bounced back up to 8300 points.

Many people have been following the actual number points of the fluctuations.

The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics has announced that the national GDP this year is expected to break the 14 trillion NTD mark, a new record in Taiwan's history.

In addition, the economy is expected to grow 9.98%, and the average national GNP is estimated to reach 20,332 USD.

From Taiwan first breaking 10,000 USD in 1992 to breaking 20,000 USD in 2010, 19 years have passed.

However, some people still think that recovering economy is a false illusion as many people are still unemployed.

According to the Directorate-General, Taiwan's national income has also increased, leading to a 3.43% consumption increase from last year.

This is Taiwan biggest growth in six years.

However, alluding to those imprisoned, some people have expressed concerns that not everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of a recovering economy.

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關鍵字TAIWAN Gross national product Per capita anniversary sale national GDP Recovering economy
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