
Taekwondo Star Returns Home
2010/11/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun has since returned home to Taiwan after the controversial incident, which angered the nation. A massive group of fans crowded the airport, all to demonstrate their strong support for Yang.

Yang also met with Premier Den-yi on the same day, who promised that the government will battle on until justice is served.

In reacting to the public's outburst and the anti-Korean movement that's currently going on, Yang is taking the chance to remind the people to handle the situation rationally.

The airport was packed with thousands of supporters who welcomed Taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-jun to return home.

A man even gave the athlete a gold medal he made.

Although she looked nervous, she didn't forget to say hello and greet the fans.

Before going home, she and other athletes were escorted to the Executive Yuan to meet with Premier Wu Den-yih, who stressed that the government would continue to fight for justice over her disqualification from the contest in Guangzhou in southern China by taking legal actions and do its best to ensure Yang's future career.

Commenting on the growing anti-Korean sentiment in Taiwan, the female athlete called for rationality.

While the government promised to support her at its best, Yang admits she still worries if she would find a stable employment.

She expressed her deep appreciation toward the government and the public's support.

But she will give a serious thought on whether she would go for the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

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關鍵字Taekwondo star returns HOME Yang Shu-chun Premier Den-yi promised anti-Korean movement
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