
Breakthrough on Treating Hepatitis B
2010/11/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Medical researchers have recently developed a new treatment which may potentially cure Hepatitis B, a disease that currently affects around 3 million people in Taiwan. Here on CTS, let's take a look at the medial breakthrough.

Hepatitis B carriers are 150 times more likely than the average person to develop liver cancer, and 80% of Taiwan's 3 million Hepatitis B carriers manage their conditions with medication.

However, clinical trials have shown that those that stop taking their medication have a 30% recurrence rate.

Medical researchers have spent the past three years conducting clinical trials on 550 Hepatitis B patients, and discovered that pegylated interferon injections administered over a period of 48 weeks not only fights hepatitis, but also helps strengthen patients' immune systems.

Researchers believe that the injections can completely rid the body of Hepatitis B in five years' time, and are calling on the Bureau of National Health Insurance to expand coverage for the injections.

In response, the BNHI says that it will consult with experts on the matter.

At the same time, doctors say that the liver is a "silent" organ and that most patients are already terminal by the time symptoms start exhibiting. Therefore, biannual blood tests are recommended.

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關鍵字B Hepatitis Treating on Breakthrough Medical researchers disease Bureau of national health Insurance
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