
Vitamin B Helps Memory
2010/09/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If you have memory problems, then start stocking up your shelves with Vitamin B supplements. A recent clinical trial by Oxford University, shows that taking high doses of B Vitamins can help one's memory and delay the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Here on CTS, we have more details regarding this latest discovery.

Mr. Lee drinks a lot of milk each day.

The 72-year-old is healthy and likes to water plants, walk and exercise during the day.

He doesn't have any memory problems.

The elder doesn't pick food and have beef and milk, which are high in vitamin B.

And his diet prevents him from the risk of Alzheimer's.

According to a research in England, daily tablets of certain vitamin B can lower the rate of brain shrinkage in elderly people who suffer from mild memory problems.

But doctors remind us that overconsumption of vitamin B is useless as the body will wash away excessive amounts, adding that keeping a natural and balanced diet is better than taking vitamins.

Since Vitamin B is almost exclusively available in animal-based proteins, doctors suggest those with a vegetarian diet drink more milk to reduce the risks of memory problems.

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關鍵字proteins animal-based University Oxford trial clinical recent Memory Helps B Vitamin healthy prevents
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