
Lien's Condition Stable
2010/11/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Sean Lien, the son of KMT's honorary chairman and former vice-president Lien Chan, is now in a stable condition after being shot Friday night as he was campaigning for a Xinbei councilor candidate in Yonghe.

Doctors said the bullet entered through Lien's left cheek and exited near his right temple, fracturing his cheekbones. In this unfortunate incident, Lien is slowly recovering, and at the same time, many of his friends are starting to visit him in the hospital.

Sean Lien, who was shot, was able to start eating today. Many of his business friends visited him this morning, including Hwahsin Lihwa's CEO Jiao Youxin and Tatung CEO Lin Weishan.

But both men were low key and only said they wished him early recovery. In reality, around 7pm last night, Lien passed a text message through his assistant's cell phone to the media saying that he already knew the election results. He also spoke with Mayor Hau by phone and thanked everyone for their support.

NTU Hospital said Lien will continue to stay in the hospital for observation. He is conscious and stable, has normal blood pressure, and his wound is healing. He was able to eat bread and pouraidge and his motor skills seemed fine. President Ma is scheduled to visit Lien this afternoon at 2pm.

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關鍵字bullet cheekbones campaigning Sean Lien condition Stable KMT's honorary Chairman Former vice-president Lien CHAN XinBei councilor candidate Yonghe
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