
Dpp's Lai Wins Big in Tainan
2010/11/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



And it's a big win in Tainan for DPP's Lai Ching-te, who won 60 percent of the public's vote over KMT candidate Kuo Tien-tsai, becoming the first mayor after the merging of Tainan City and Tainan County. Lai said, that this is the most glorious moment of his life, promising that he will focus on making Tainan the cultural capital of Taiwan, and into an internationally competitive metropolitan.

Taking a bow on stage, William Lai thanked his supporters at the rally.

Lai garnered 60 percent of votes, the highest among other winners in the mayoral elections in other special municipalities.

Lai contributed his success to the political achievements of his DPP antecessors and his efforts to visit grassroots.

According to Lai, the Greater Tainan City doesn't have to copy the other four cities.

As long as it takes advantage of its cultural background, IT and tourism edges, the city can maintain its local features and international competitiveness.

Lai says that he's also willing to be examined in the Sunshine policy and promised that he will establish a clean government.

Facing the defeat, KMT's Kuo Tian-tsai said he didn't work hard enough and was unable to win the support of voters, adding that his only appeal is for the good of the Greater Tainan and he would not run again.

The DPP has been at the helm of the Tainan County Government since 1993, while the KMT has been shut out in Tainan City for 13 years.

This election result just further proves the strong DPP presence in the city.

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關鍵字wins BIG Tainan DPP's Lai Ching-te internationally competitive Metropolitan KMT candidate Kuo Tien-tsai mayoral elections
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