
Robots with Moves
2010/11/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



While many Taiwanese research teams are grabbing awards left and right at international robotics competitions, many high school students are also starting to design their own creations. In a recent contest, these young innovators have developed robots that can dance and play soccer.

Dancing on the stage with flawless moves is not a pop star but a huge robot, which moves as it listens to the music.

The robot is programmed to do splits or hip-hop moves, no less than a real star.

College students who designed the robot said that they spent more than six months of testing and fixing before presenting the robot on stage.

Other robots in the competition are able to play football.

High school student Lee Jin-hsian took down other players in the game and won the champion award in the robot football game.

In recent years, the trend of robot design is getting more refined.

Each player needs to fully utilize their knowledge of mechanic design, software programming and creative thinking to make an out

These young students in Taiwan certainly did a great job and truly exceeds people's expectation.

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關鍵字Robots moves International robotics competition design creations
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