
Sean Lien's Recuperation
2010/11/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It's been four days since Sean Lien, the son of former vice-president Lien Chan, narrowly escaped death after being shot in the head at a campaign rally last Friday. Doctors at the National Taiwan University Hospital said the 40-year-old is recuperating well and has started rehabilitation yesterday.

Sean Lien is doing well in his recovery after being shot in the face.

He is already able to get out of bed as many political friends have paid him a visit at the hospital, including KMT legislative caucus whip Tsai Chin-long, and former presidential advisor Chiu Chuang-huan.

National Taiwan University's medical team said that Sean Lien's youth is helping him recover quickly and besides facial swelling, has a normal appearance as he is still recognizable as his former self.

National Taiwan University, Director of Cosmetic Surgery Tang Yueh-bin said that to be prudent, Lien would need another day of continuous observation in the intensive care unit.

National Taiwan University Hospital said that Lien was fortunate that his brain, nerves, and arteries were not affected by the gunshot wound.

This has led him to be clear and conscious with stable vital signs as he recovers from these wounds.

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關鍵字Sean Lien's Recuperation Sean Lien vice-president Lien CHAN national TAIWAN University hospital rehabilitation
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