
Custom-made Anti-fraud Dvd
2010/12/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Even the aborigines are becoming victims of fraud. To provide education to the tribe members and new immigrants who share different dialects and languages, the police officers are asking those who have a similar background to help create an anti-fraud DVD, hoping to prevent residents from falling into the deceptive trap in the future.

Several indigenous police officers and new immigrant spouses from South East Asian Countries are working in the recording studio for the anti-fraud education DVD.

This time, the DVD has 11 different languages, including 7 indigenous dialects, Mandarin, Hoklo, Hakka and Vietnamese, with more languages to be added in the future.

The main purpose of the anti-fraud DVD is to help people of different indigenous groups to be aware of fraud schemes.

Recently, there have been quite a lot of fraud incidents that happen to indigenous people and the reason is that they do not understand the vague meanings of what fraud perpetrators mean.

As fraud has been rampant across the country, police officers are trying their best to counter fraud activities.

But still, the public needs to be vigilant to not become a victim of fraud.

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關鍵字custom-made Anti-fraud dvd tribe members different dialects Languages
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