
The Search for Truth
2010/12/02 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Nearly one week after the campaign shooting last Friday that almost killed Sean Lien, many key questions are still left unanswered, including the exact target and motive of the gunman. DPP lawmakers now demand that prosecutors and the police should release video recording of the incident as soon as possible, and offer explanations to the public.

On the evening of November 26th, Sean Lien was shot as his gunman Lin Cheng-wei was quickly aprehended. However, many key questions remain as DPP legislators criticized police and prosecutors for failing to identify who this gunman wanted to kill.

They said that this failing was totally outrageous.

DPP Legislator Chen Ting-Fei also called for the prosecution to release live video from the event as as soon as possible.Interior Minister, Jiang Yi Huah responded saying that the video was begin examined and police were cooperating with prosecutors in the investigation who had ordered it not to be published.

Both KMT and DPP legilsators called upon authorities to seek the truth and protect their credibility. DPP legislators also stressed that such major incidents involving public security mean that people have the right to know the truth.

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關鍵字The search for Truth CAMPAIGN Shooting killed Sean Lien DPP legislators LIN Cheng-wei
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