
Frugal Mother
2010/12/04 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



A single mother of three boys in Taitung has an extraordinary knack for getting the most out of every dime. With a monthly income of merely 10,000 NT dollars, she has managed to do much more than make ends meet for her family. And the following story will tell us how she pulls it off.

In Ms. Huang's home, the house is always cozy.

There's a wide array of children's books on the shelf and there's always hot food and chicken soup ready for the kids.

This is the home of Ms. Huang and her three sons.

It may seem quite ordinary for many people but you may be surprised to know that Ms. Huang is a single mother, who earns her living through collecting recyclable materials.

Her monthly income is merely 10,000 NT dollars but she has managed to keep a happy life for the children.

And what are her tips? First of all, she searches for coupons, discounts and governmental subsidies through the internet.

Of course, the computer is a second hand gift.

Also, the boys' toys and books didn't cost a dime because they are all gifts from charity groups.

And to save money on the water bill, she limits the water usage in the house.

For instance, the water in the orange plastic container is for bathing.

As for the food expenses, she grows her own vegetables and she purchases meat and fish from retailers every 2 weeks in order to get volume discounts.

She divides the meat into 14 packs and cooks one pack each day.

Believe it or not, it costs her averagely 79 NT dollars per meal, and the boys all get enough nutrition.

With all these smart tips, Ms. Huang has successfully made the most of limited resources.

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關鍵字Mother Frugal extraordinary knack vegetable
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