
Teresa Teng Memorial Park
2010/12/07 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Teresa Teng, the late songbird, has left the world for 15 years, but her legacy continues to live on. The Taipei County government is planning to spend 120 million NT dollars to construct a memorial park next to her tomb at Jinbaoshan in Taipei County. Within the park, a replica of Teng's Hong Kong residence will also be constructed, providing a place for music fans to reminisce and remember the superstar.

Six years ago, when Teresa Teng's former residence in Hong Kong was opened to the public for one last time, visitors can see the two-story building in the color of light green, and two cars that Teng drove when she was alive.

Everything will be recreated in 2013 when the 1.5-hectare memorial park for Teng is complete.

Taipei County government plans to spend 120 million NTD to build the memorial park in Jinshan.

This model gives her fans a sneak peak of the park, which includes a triangle-shaped three-story building, a gift shop and a musical interaction area.

Outside of the building is the feet-soaking area, which already exists within the hot spring resort.

Each year, fans commemorate the anniversary of her death by paying a visit at the tomb.

Now the memorial park has been planned and the construction is already under way, it is expected to become an even bigger tourist attraction in Jinshan area.

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關鍵字Teresa Teng memorial Park Jinbaoshan music fans
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