
Musical Saw with Erhu's Bow?
2010/12/13 06:00 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Have you ever had the chance to see or hear street performers play the musical saw, also known as "juqin" in Mandarin?

Now, let's take you to experience the distinctive sound of the instrument, which originated from Europe, but here in Asia, it is often played with the Chinese traditional instrument "Erhu" 's bow.

One hand on the instrument and one on the bow is how one plays this traditional instrument that resembles a saw.

Chang Ching-Chung plays this old song on this rare musical instrument called with juqin which has a special sound.

Saws originated in eighteenth century Europe, and wer introduced into China in the nineteenth century and were played with the bow from an erhu.

This led them to take on unique Chinese musical characteristics.

Chang said that the first time he saw it performed he took an immediate interest in practicing it but had difficulty playing it.

By chance encounter, Chang encountered an instructor who helped him overcome his bottleneck in training. And now he is a street performer in Kaohsiung.

Taiwan currently only has 20 people performing this instrument.

The mere mention of musical saws, leads Chang to talk endlessly.

He is very enthusiastic and hopes to make this instrument more popular with more people under

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關鍵字Street performer Musical saw juqin instrument Chang Ching-Chung
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