
Painting Her Life Via Children's Book
2010/12/15 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台中縣報導



She may not know how to write, but the ninety-two year old woman, Wu Liao-tou, just came out with a book of her own. Wu has endured many ups and downs during her life, including living through the Japanese colonial period, and the World War II. With the help of an author who writes children's books, the autobiography that has illustrations, paints out the turbulent times that Wu experienced throughout the ninety-two years of her journey.

A 92-year-old grandmother from Chingsui is full of energy as she turns this book which evokes bittersweet memories.

She hums one song after another, and chokes with emotion about the difficulty of her life.

This is the oral biography of this grandmother who is actually illiterate and unable to read her actual biography. She gave birth to nine children, and experienced Japanese rule, the Nationalist government coming to Taiwan, and many changing times.

In order to feed the whole family, she sold incense, rice, and firewood.

She never gave up and worked hard, hoping that her story is a sort of microcosm of that era.

Using childlike illustrations,

her experience is faithfully recorded as well as life during the era as this book shows the fighting spirit of people in Taiwan.

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關鍵字painting Her Life Via Children's book Wu Liao-tou ninety-two year Old Autobiography
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