
First Asian to Conquer Both Poles
2010/12/20 06:00 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Taiwanese extreme marathon runner, Tommy Chen, has finished second in the 100 kilometer ultra-marathon race in the South Pole, after only trailing behind a Brazilian athlete, who snatched the gold medal. Having also completed a North Pole marathon in April, Chen is the now the first Asian ever to conquer the grueling competitions in both poles.

Although he sustained a severe muscle cramp when he fell into an ice floe, extreme marathon runner Tommy Chen eventually crossed the finish line at a North Pole marathon this past April.

On Saturday, Chen braved 100 kilometers/hour Antarctic winds and harsh weather conditions to place second in an extreme marathon in the South Pole.

Chen trained for three months before the marathon, and says that he was under even more pressure this time around than in April because he was looking for sponsors and publishing a book at the same time.

However, his performance in the marathon proved that he wouldn't retreat in the face of adversity.

Chen previously trained alongside Kevin Lin, and credits Lin for strengthening his sense of determination.

His parents say that Chen was the most timid of their children when he was growing up, but that they aren't surprised that he grew up wanting to challenge the world!

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關鍵字Poles Both Conquer first Asian TO Taiwanese extreme Marathon runner Tommy CHEN South Pole Brazilian athlete
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