
To Regulate Government Ads in Media
2010/12/29 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In response to the public criticism over the government's practice of buying news coverage for the promotion of policies, President Ma Ying-jeou said that such action should not be allowed. Ma also said that a revision is needed on the current Television and Broadcasting Act to effectively regulate government advertisements in media.

The use of political placement marketing and government propaganda in newspapers and on television has come under fire in recent weeks.

According to Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng, President Ma Ying-jeou convened a meeting of high-level government, Cabinet, and KMT officials on Monday in the hopes of ending this practice, and said that there should be a clear differentiation between news and advertisements.

Premier Wu Den-yih further said that the Cabinet is taking the lead in drawing up new amendments, ending this practice. While the government should not mislead the public, the public also needs to be informed of major policies.

The president is hopeful that laws can be amended to end the practice of political placement marketing, but some legislators say that the Publication Act was abolished more than a decade ago, and that the Television and Broadcasting Act has no power over the print media.

Premier Wu Den-yih will be offering a clear explanation of the government's new policy direction at a Cabinet meeting on the 30th.

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關鍵字TO Regulate government Ads IN MEDIA public criticism over buying NEWS coverage Promotion President MA Ying-jeou television Broadcasting Act
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