
Showcases to Welcome the Year of 2011
2010/12/30 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



We are counting down the days to welcome the year of 2011, and the performers just had their final rehearsal this past Tuesday at the Dajia Riverside Park, to bring entertainment to the people on New Year's Eve. The highlights of the event include a showcase by more than 200 singers, along with the fire and water shows that will illuminate the night.

This is not just another water splash.

There are words that can be seen in the light.

Several aircrafts fly into the air in the dark, bringing an eye-catching fireworks show.

This is the first act of the New Year's Eve celebration for the country's 100th anniversary. It's called "Staring at Starry Night."

Famous aboriginal singer Ji Xiao-jun's mother Tseng Hsian-mei leads 200 choir members to sing a song.

The scene is powerful.

But this is just one part of the show.

When the fire dance hits the spotlight, dancers are holding flaming batons, moving their bodies on the water surface.

This is representing the co-existence of Ying and Yang and the birth of life.

The colorful water dance show is catching attention too as many shapes are created within snaps.

The huge show to honor the country's centenary is about to begin on December 31st and one shouldn't miss the opportunity to witness the spectacle at first hand.

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關鍵字2011 of year The Welcome TO Showcases eye-catching Fireworks Show Famous aboriginal singer Ji Xiao-jun tseng Hsian-mei
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