
Wave the Tv Remote Control Goodbye
2011/01/01 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



Moving on to tech news,

A research team at the South branch of the Industrial Technology Research Institute has developed a new type of TV that allows its viewers to switch channels without using a remote control. And how exactly are they going to operate the TV? To borrow a term from "Star Wars," let's just say it's a bit Jedi-like.

The new way to switch channels when watching TV is to wave ones hand instead of using the standard remote control unit.

The sensor recognizes the viewer's movements to allow the viewer to select commands on the screen to switch channels, similar to flipping pages of electronic books.

The Tainan branch of the Industrial Technology Research Institute developed the new smart TV.

The secret lies in the two little two-way cameras to sense movements of the viewer, allowing conductor like movement to control the TV.

The same technology can also be combined with 3D movies and video games, along with the 3D glasses for different kinds of flying simulations.

The invention just may create more couch potatoes.

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關鍵字TV SMART NEW Wars star Control remote TV type NEW Technology Institute Research Technology Industrial The
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