
Celebrations at Dajia Riverside Park
2011/01/02 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



But the Taipei 101 show was not the only fireworks display in the city that night. Another one was held earlier at the Dajia Riverside Park, which may have been lesser-known, but just as spectacular.

For nearly four minutes, a ring of peonies blossoms in the night sky while rapidly changing colors. 60,000 fire tree and silver blossom fireworks surround and light up Dajia Riverside Park before the sky slowly grows dim.

The fireworks are replaced by the red dots of sky lanterns before the countdown commences. As spectators cheer and applaud, the park, Taipei 101, and buildings all over Taipei explode in a true fireworks extravaganza.

The most special firework of the night, however, was to be found at Dajia Riverside Park. A 37-meter high, 34-meter wide image of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's face lit up the sky for a full 15 seconds to spectators' delight.

Although the fireworks show was not the highlight of the park's festivities, it was perhaps the most memorable event on the program.

The evening opened with a "shooting stars" fireworks show as five helicopters flew over Keelung River.

The show was designed by Tsai Kuo-chiang, who injected his unique brand of artistry into the show.

A bird's eye view reveals the true three-dimensional nature of the fireworks, which were not only brilliant and beautiful, but lush and artistic. In short, they were the perfect way to ring in the Republic of China's centennial year.

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關鍵字Taipei 101 Show Fireworks DISPLAY Dajia Riverside Park Tsai Kuo-chiang
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