
No Smoking Inside Pedestrian Underpass
2011/01/03 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



For the smokers, there may be just another place that you won't be able to light up that cigarette of yours. After complaints from the public, the Department of Health has decided to prohibit smoking inside the pedestrian underpass, which was not clearly stated in the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act prior to this clarification.

Despite the smoking-free sign on the wall, there are cigarette butts at the underpass exit.

Most people approve the government's decision to include pedestrian underpass in the smoking-free areas.

After Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act was promulgated, smoking is prohibited in all indoor work places and public places.

But pedestrian underpass is not specified in the law.

Some people complained to Department of Health that someone smoked in pedestrian underpass.

Department of Health officially announced that pedestrian underpass nationwide is included in the smoking-free area.

Violators can be fined up to 10,000 NTD.

This is also the first smoking-free area specified by the central government after the law went into effect, since most local governments are en

When commenting on whether the exits of MRT and pedestrian underpass should be listed as smoking-free, Department of Health says it's up to local governments to make such calls.

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關鍵字No Smoking Inside Pedestrian Underpass The department of health prohibit Smoking Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act
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