
Firework Designs Remain a Secret
2011/01/05 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In response to the public inquiries over the cancellation of the Chinese-character fireworks during the New Year's Eve Taipei 101 show, the representative said on Monday, that it was their idea to call off the proposed plan, fearing that the words were not suitable for the presentation. Due to the confidentiality agreement between Taipei 101 and the designer of the fireworks, we may never find out what it was supposed to say.

The number "100" illuminates the night sky over Taipei 101 at the stroke of midnight, followed by the words "100 ROC."

The Tsai Kuo-chiang-led creative team that designed the show had planned on inserting Chinese-character fireworks, rumored to be "Be Quiet," between the two segments.

Taipei 101 has yet to confirm what the characters said, but a spokesperson said on Wednesday that the character fireworks were ultimately taken out because they didn't fit with the rest of the program and the festive atmosphere.

The 288-second show featured many new fireworks designs, including a red lantern, Rubik's cubes, silver falls, and a circling dragon.

Some say that the actual show was a far cry from simulations, while others applauded the show as creative and innovative.

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關鍵字firework designs Remain A secret The Chinese-character Fireworks The NEW Year's Eve Taipei 101 Show
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