
Ku Shines without Help of Taiwan
2010/12/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



After winning several awards, Taiwanese fashion designer, Johan Ku is now glowing on the international stage with his leading-edge knit designs. But like many other talents, Ku's path to fame was rough and bumpy. And with lack of support from his homeland, Ku said he was once very disappointed with the fashion industry in Taiwan.

Johan Ku won the U.S. Gen Art Avant Garde Award back in 2009 with the same piece of knit wear, that already won the 2004 Best New Comer award from the Taiwan Textile Federation.

However, the government didn't have any assistance programs to encourage those who received the top honor, leaving him disappointed in the country and leading him to leave Taiwan.

Ku said, it was ironic that, after five years, his old piece won the award in the avant-garde category, nonetheless, he was thrilled.

Fashion industry in Taiwan is a so-called forgotten industry.

When the government is happy to see many pride of Taiwan bringing glory to Taiwan, it is more important for them to understand that investment in those people is also important.

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關鍵字Ku Shines without Help of TAIWAN Taiwanese fashion designer Johan Ku International STAGE leading-edge knit designs U.S. Gen Art Avant Garde Award
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