
Lee Celebrates 90th Birthday
2011/01/05 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Former president Lee Teng-hui celebrated his 90th birthday on Monday, with many heavyweight guests from both pan-blue and pan-green parties in attendance. But it was PFP Chairman James Soong, whom Lee expelled from the KMT in 2000, that attracted most of the media attention. And despite a public display of good will, it was evident that the former Taiwan governor still bears a grudge against his ex-mentor.

Lee Teng-hui was in good spirits at his 90th birthday celebration, and not only bestowed a kiss on his wife, but also entertained his guests with jokes.

Many found the seating arrangements curious, however. DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen was seated to Lee's left at the head table, while former Taiwan Province Governor James Soong was seated between Tsai and Su Tseng-chang.

Despite being seated so close, Lee and Soong had virtually no interaction with each other. In the early 1990s, Soong ran for governor of Taiwan Province at Lee's urging.

Less than five years later, Lee spearheaded the campaign to eliminate the Taiwan Province government in a move that was seen as an attempt to cut off Soong's power base.

Their father-son relationship therefore became one of enmity, and is evidence of the saying, "In politics, there are no eternal enemies or eternal friends."

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關鍵字Former President LEE Teng-hui celebrated His 90th birthday PFP Chairman James Soong politics
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