
Lee Calls 92 Consensus Non-existent
2010/12/28 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



In a meeting with the media on Sunday, former president Lee Teng-hui expressed strong disapproval of President Ma Ying-jeou's recent affirmation of the "1992 Consensus" between Taiwan and China, which Lee claimed to be non-existent. But when asked about who he thinks should run for president on behalf of the DPP in 2012, Lee simply said he'll leave it for the people to decide.

On the eve of the 90th birthday celebration of the former president Lee Teng-hui, he met with the media and was asked of who should the DPP elect as their candidate in the 2012 presidential election: whether it should be the chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen,

or the former Premier Su Tseng-chang, or whether both the president and vice president candidate should be DPP members or to have a non-party member to run with the DPP presidential candidate, Mr. Lee made no comment on these issues.

However, ex-president Lee made fierce criticism on President Ma Ying-jeou's mentioning that Taiwan, the U.S. and China have all accepted the 1992 Consensus to the media,

said that there is no such thing as the 1992 Consensus and rebut president Ma's request to DPP chairwoman Tsai's response on this consensus.

Lee also complimented on Tsais effort in adjusting the attitude of the DPP towards China to the center since shes been in office.

Last, Lee also mentioned that the policies that will be made from now to 2012 across the Strait will be a significant effect to the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan.

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關鍵字LEE Calls 92 Consensus Non-existent Former President LEE Teng-hui disapproval President MA Ying-jeou 1992 Consensus Non-existent 2012
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