
Yaung to Leave Office in Feb
2011/01/07 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The resignation of Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang has been approved by Premier Wu Den-yih, and Yaung agreed to stay in office until the end of January to help with the transition. As for his next step, Yaung is expected to return to Taichung's Asia University as a Chair Professor and resume his academic career.

After turning in his resignation letter, Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang still went to his office early in the morning at 7 am, however, those in the media were already there to try to interview him.

Yaung has expressed that he is only willing to stay on the post until the end of the month at the latest and hopes the Ma administration can find his replacement soon.

Yaung took over the health minister post 8 years ago and was faced with criticisms for opening U.S. beef import and increase of health insurance premium, thus had considered, twice, to resign.

After the bumpy road to get the second-generation health insurance to pass in the legislature, Yaung has finally made up his mind to quit.

Asia University, which Yaung used to teach at, has already hired him to be next semester's lecturing professor with the highest honor at the school.

Without any political obligations and pressure, Yaung is free to voice his opinions, Yaung pointed out that, in the past year or so at the Ministry of Health, he could not be more alert.

Before he leaves his post, Yaung said he will do what he is supposed to until the last day as a Health Minister would.

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關鍵字The Resignation of health Minister Yaung Chih-liang TO leave Office IN Feb Approved stay Transition Taichung's Asia University Chair professor return
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