
Health-law Amendment Passed
2011/01/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The hotly-debated amendment to the National Health Insurance Act was finally passed by the Legislative Yuan on Tuesday. Under the new measure, the premium will be calculated on a two-track basis, involving both the individual salary income and supplementary earnings, such as stock bonuses and cash dividends. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of the public will see their insurance costs reduced as a result.

On Tuesday, lawmakers passed the third reading of the second-generation national health insurance reforms.

The opposition DPP wanted premiums to be based on total household income, and withdrew from the proceedings en masse when they couldn't get any of their agendas passed.

Only one member of the DPP's legislative caucus remained at the Legislative Yuan until the end of the day, and he stayed to protest and oppose every measure under discussion.

Meanwhile, the DPP said that the draft under consideration was extremely different from the original version submitted by the Executive Yuan, and not only demanded Premier Wu Den-yih's resignation, but called on the Control Yuan to investigate Wu.

The reforms that were eventually passed utilize a dual-track premium system that has employers paying 60% of premiums. Premium rates, which are currently 5.71% of wages, will be cut to 4.91%.

In addition, a 2% to 2.45% payment on six types of non-wage income, including interest income and stock dividends, rental income, bonuses, and professional practice income, will be assessed.

According to Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang, the reforms will lower the premium payments of 83% of insured individuals, and no adjustments will be made for at least five years.

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關鍵字Health-law amendment passed The hotly-debated amendment national health Insurance Act two-track basis Premier Wu Den-yih
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