
Price Surge in Chinese New Year Goods
2011/01/08 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Taipei City government has released the price index of Chinese new year's goods, which shows that the average goods price has increased by 13 percent compared with last year. Among the items included in the survey, the price of shredded squid and Mexico's Calmex abalone have the greatest price surge, which reached nearly 50 percent.

All merchants are trying their hardest promoting their goods; with only less than a month to go until Chinese New Year, many housewives packed the famous DiHua Chinese goods street in Taipei city.

However, as the holiday approaches, those goods are getting more expansive.

In order to let the public to have a reference, Taipei city government did a survey and released the Chinese New Year goods price index,

the result showed that dried preserved shredded squid and Mexican abalone are two items with the sharpest price increase.

Take the dried preserved shredded squid for example, the per-100 gram price was NT$50 last year, its current price has doubled to NT$100 this year.

Last year, a can of Mexican abalone was NT$2,100, and this year, the price went up to NT$3,200 per can.

In addition, dried shitake mushroom, dried scallop and dried mullet roe are all more expansive this year, by about 13%.

Other Chinese New Year goods such as melon seeds, peanuts, pork jerky and candies are costing the same as last year.

Over all, the consumers need to spend more on those Chinese goods this year.

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關鍵字abalone Calmex Mexico's Squid Shredded surge PRICE goods Year's NEW Chinese Index PRICE government City Taipei
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