
Coffee-flavored Chicken Soup
2011/01/08 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You may have tasted many kinds of coffee-flavored desserts, but have you ever tried mixing coffee with your chicken soup? A restaurant has come up with a creative recipe that features these two rarely paired ingredients, which tastes surprisingly good.

The golden colored fruit is the cooked coffee fruit that is infusing the chicken and the soup with its aromatic flavor.

This adds a kick to the soup that so many people are familiar with.

Some may thought those are Chinese herbs but it is coffee fruit that adds the fruity flavor and taste to the ordinary chicken soup.

In fact, for those who have never seen fresh coffee fruit, it is red in color and after cooking in the chicken soup; the red color would change to golden yellow.

It is not easy to preserve the coffee chicken soup, even if it is stored in the fridge, the soup would turn dark after 3 days,

therefore, loyal customers need to order the soup in advance for it is only made in limited quantity daily.

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關鍵字coffee-flavored desserts mixing chicken soup creative recipe ingredients Chinese HERBS
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