
Blowing Hot Air Can Relieve Cold Symptoms?
2011/01/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



According to Chinese medicine practitioners, blowing hot air into the specific acupuncture point, which is located between the thumb and forefinger, can warm up the body, and relieve cold symptoms. But despite of its temporary soothing effect, doctors say patients should still seek professional help for their sicknesses.

It is currently cold and allergy season, and many people are suffering from congestion, runny noses, and other symptoms.

According to Chinese medicine practitioners, directing a hair dryer at the spot between the thumb and forefinger can alleviate common cold symptoms.

Hair dryers should be kept around 10 centimeters from the hand, and left on until the head and face feel warm.

Experts say that there is an acupuncture point at that spot on the hand that raises the entire body's temperature when it is heated, which in turn improves circulation and warms the body.

As a result, cold and allergy symptoms, including sneezing and runny noses, abate.

Doctors also say that this is a temporary solution, and that medical attention should still be sought to treat colds.

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關鍵字symptoms Cold Relieve Can AIR hot BLOWING Chinese medicine practitioners forefinger thumb
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