
Injections to Keep You Warm?
2011/01/02 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As the cold front sweeps Taiwan, many people have been troubled by cold hands and feet. Some beauty clinics have introduced special injection which claims to keep you warm during the winter. Here on CTS, let's hear what doctors have to say about these warming shots.

There are many ways to warm up the body such as rubbing hands together, but sometimes the hands and feet still remain cold.

This year, this young woman, surnamed Wang who is around 20, felt as if she were ice-cold.

She could not believe it when she measured the temperature of her hands which were just 28.6 degrees which is 6 degress less than nomral body temperature of around 35 degrees.

She looked to a shot to help save her from this condition.

This warm shot would help her keep hands and feet warm which a number of beauty clinics have been promoting.

It is like an like an intravenous drip, including a big bottle of yellow liquid that includes necessary amino acids, 5 grams of ginko, along with vitamin C, and the vitamin B group.

Some find it hard to believe that putting all of these elements together can really make one warm.

Ginkgo can help blood vessels expand beyond their current size and promote blood circulation helping cold hands and feet.

For, Ms. Wang, the warm shot was really a savior this winter.

The warm needle, requires the first injection to take an hour, and costs 1,000 NT$.

Typically, one can get an injection once a week, and an hour after it, Ms. Wang's hands rise in temperature from 28.6 degrees to 35.2. However, doctors advise, that this warm needle does make blood circulation better,

but young women during their period should pay particular attention and those that have drug allergies should also be careful.

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關鍵字Cold Front sweeps Cold hands feet beauty clinics injection Warm ice-cold
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