
Human Embryonic Stem Cells Breakthrough
2011/01/10 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A team of scientists at Academia Sinica has contributed to the knowledge of human embryonic stem cells. The findings of the study are believed to truly shed more light on future cancer detection and treatments.

The research team of stem cells studies has discovered two glycosphingolipids structures, which are also seen in human embryonic stem cells.

One of the structures, globo H, has been transferred to a local manufacturer for making breast cancer vaccines.

This project has entered the second and third clinical trial.

According to the research team, tumor is like altered cells degenerated to original cells.

When cancer-causing factors such as genes, environment, pressure, diet and life habits come into play, glycosphingolipids reappear in malignant tumors.

Through the study of the topic, scientists may find a cure to directly tackle cancer cells.

So far, the research team has confirmed that special glycosphingolipids are related to breast and prostate cancers and the researchers continue to find its connection to other cancers,

with hopes to find the solution to control cancer cells and cancer transfer.

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關鍵字Breakthrough Cells Stem Embryonic human Academia Sinica Embryonic Stem Cells
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