
2011/01/13 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A renowned Chinese medicine pharmacy in Taipei has been repeatedly fined by environmental and health authorities over the past two years for illegally brewing medical products. And recently it was even ordered to suspend business after being caught violating the law again. But the penalty was still ignored by the store.

With wet and cold weather, Ching Yue Tarng factory is processing traditional Chinese medicines.

Every day at noon, this large gray chimney sees smoke rising as it is producing Chinese medicine.

A fine has been pasted on a board at the facility though old customers brave the rain and continue to patronize the company.

Many are still interested in the loquat paste with a little bottle costing 480 NT$ which many people want for a sore throat.

They enjoy this flavor and this old brand with popular celebrities who frequented the store such as former Taiwan Provincial Governor, James Soong, and entertainers such as Chang Hsiao-yen, Kenny Bee, and TMSC Chairman Morris Chang.

Not relying upon any promotions, just word of mouth, Ching Yu Tarng's even has a sign proclaiming it an official traditional Chinese herbal medicine business. Still, the boss is quite unhappy about the Department of Health's order to shut down its factory.

The Department of Health investigated with many households complaining about the operations.

Still, the company seems not to care about this government action as it continues normal business operations.

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關鍵字Pharmacy DEFIANT A Chinese medicine Pharmacy Ching Yue Tarng Chang Hsiao-yen TAIWAN Provincial governor TMSC Chairman Morris Chang The department of health
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