
2011/02/16 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Problems continue to surface even with Taiwan Sugar Corporation freezing the sugar prices. The market is now experiencing serious shortage of the 50-kilogram sugar sacks, leading to many wondering that this may be the result of individuals hoarding the product. The Tainan Prosecutor's Office and the Consumer Protection Commission are now taking necessary actions in resolving this matter.

This large bag contains 50 kilograms of sugar. The wholesale price is 1,650 NT$ which is 50 NT$ more than the previous month.

The boss says that despite the increase in costs, he will absorb the price increase, as he will still sell a catty for 22 NT$ to consumers as shipments continue to be normal.

Taiwan Sugar has frozen prices though there is a serious shortage of these 50 kilogram bags of sugar.

The condition has spread to wholesalers.

They say that in one week they can sell 100 packages, though now they are only allotted 10 bags.

This means they are sold out in 1 day. Some suspect that hoarding is taking place.

Taiwan Sugar says that it usually sells 30,000 tons a month, though in January it sold more than 40,000 tons, which is an increase of 10,000 tons in one month.

The rise in market prices of sugar is expected to create this hoarding situation, in areas such as Tainan.

Taiwan Sugar is attempting to use moral persuasion to convince these wholesalers not to hoard.

However, they fear that this will do little good based upon their past experience.

Limited supply means they will follow previous sales to suppliers and the Tainan District Prosecutors Office will also investigate along with Consumer Protection Commissions, who will give out severe punishment for those caught hoarding.

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關鍵字TAIWAN sugar Corporation freezing The sugar prices market
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