
2011/03/28 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



It is the migration period for Gray-faced Buzzard to fly north. According to the Wild Bird Society of Changhua, over 4,000 of these eagles have been spotted in Taiwan in the past two days, which is close to being the greatest number recorded in 10 years. However, with the worst-hit area in Japan being one of their habitats, experts are concerned about the future environmental impact on these birds.

Holding binoculars and notebooks, these students intently watch the Gray-faced Buzzard Eagles before them.

Just seeing the birds is not enough for the kids; they want to etch the image of the majestic bird on their notepads.

Faculty and students of the Nanguo Elementary School in Changhua County have ventured outdoors to get a glimpse of the Gray-faced Buzzard Eagle, as the birds swooped, soared, and circled in the valleys of Changhua Bagua Mountain.

According to the Wild Bird Society of Chang Hua, record keeping starting from March 8 to the 23rd has produced a number of over 4000 of these Gray-faced Buzzard eagles.

However, after comparing notes with last year, it seems that the birds are late one to two weeks.

The birds flew south to the Philippines to escape the harsh winter and returned north after the Qing Ming Festival, finally reaching their destination in Changhua Bagua Mountain.

However as their habitats lie in northeast Mainland China, Korea, and Japan, these birds will be hitching on wind currents and returning to a changed ecological environment.

These mid-sized fowls migrate in large numbers and termed as one of the south traveling eagles.

This year, the number of these birds passing by numbered at over 4 thousand, the highest showing in ten years.

Spectators will be able to see them even after the Qing Ming Festival.

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關鍵字Society bird WILD Buzzard Gray-faced period Migration
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