
A Barrier Free Society
2010/11/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Good morning and thank you for tuning it to CTS News. I'm Cary Chuo.

A demonstration was staged yesterday in Taipei by handicapped citizens, who were protesting the inconveniences that public facilities around the island have caused them in their daily lives.

Handicapped invdividuals not only have to deal with the infrequency of city buses, but they also have to deal with trouble of getting onto the bus.

For those in wheelchairs, looking for the elevator to the parking lot is also a challenge.

These are all obstacles handicapped individuals must face every day.

In response to the current situation, a parade of handicapped individuals and rights advocaes will be holding a demonstration to urge for more convenience.

Several hundreds of handicapped people will be attending.

They will first go to the Taipei Main Station lobby and point out the insufficiency of handicapped facilities in the area.

Although Taipei is facing light precipitation today, the parade of handicapped people dilligently set off from Taipei Main Station, preparing to travel all the way to the Bureau of Transportation.

They hope to convey the message that the lack of designated facilities doesn't just inconvenience the handicapped, it also affects parents with strollers and the elderly.

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關鍵字Barrier FREE Society handicapped citizens public facilities
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