
2011/04/06 06:00 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Showing his determination to tackle the Kuokuang project controversy, President Ma Ying-jeou personally visited the designated site for the petrochemical plant in Changhua on Sunday for a more comprehensive evaluation of the situation. Ma refused to make any promise regarding the future of the project at this point, but he did express the intention to preserve the local Tacheng Wetlands.

Standing in middle of the sea, the president inspected oyster racks even getting a fresh taste of the ocean.

Yesterday was a noisier affair, though he said it did not affect his mood as he continued his trip and was accompanied by those that oppose the petrochemical plant and other environmental groups.

A cart moved through Taiwan's last remaining and most complete mud flats which was to be the location of the Kuo Kuang Petrochemical plant.

President Ma is still reluctant to make a stand as he says the clear objective here is to promote the area into a nationally important wetland.

Many residents and members of the Save Fangyuan knelt in front of the President hoping that he would not build this plant. Environmental groups also made the same plea, urging him to view the beautiful environment and understand the fishermen.

In addition to holding sign boards there wasn't a violent protest today, with the President saying that he would include the Tacheng Wetlands as a nationally important wetland.

However, he did not guarantee that the Kuo Kuang Plant won't be built.

Environmental groups say it is a first step in protecting this wetlands area.

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關鍵字Kuokuang project Controversy President MA Ying-jeou Changhua Tacheng wetlands
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