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2011/04/29 06:00 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



First, taking a look at the controversy involving the plant,

Chairman Chen Bao-lan has expressed regrets over the board's decision to withdraw the proposal in constructing the Kuokuang Petrochemicalcomplex in the wetland of Changhua County.

Chen added that the company will not be disbanded, but will seek for another location to carry out the plan, either in Taiwan or in other countries.

The Kuokuang petrochemical investment project has led to six years of controversy.

President Ma Ying-jeou declared that he would not support a factory in Changhua leading the chairman of the company to formally give up the project this morning.

Although investment in Changhua failed, he said that Kuokuang would not be dissolved and it would start another round of investment appraisals with the possibility of investing abroad.

Responding to this outcome, the Chairman of the Chinese National Federation of Industries and the Petrochemical Association Chen Wu-hsiung said that the government had invited private shareholders into this project though now it had ordered a halt to the project which has led many to be very disappointed.

The Minister of Economic Affairs Shih Yen Hsiang said that the "Post Kuokuang Petrochemical Policy",

would include listening to the industry as well as responding to accusations of catering to voters and those demanding compensation.

Chen denied this, though he said afterwards, he hoped the government could be more clear about their petrochemical policy and give the industry a way to develop instead of continuing on in confusion.

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關鍵字Chairman CHEN Bao-lan Kuokuang Petrochemical investment project
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